1/12/20 - Capt. Ben Ricks

Hey guys, Capt. Ben Ricks of Ricks Brothers Outdoors here.  Now that we are back from the holidays I can tell you that its still trout time.  Winter trout fishing has become quite popular because its been so productive this year.  Many folks are saying is the best they have seen in years. When the weather allows the trout fishing has been productive in nearly all the tributaries of the Neuse River from New Bern downstream on the Neuse River. Lately jigs with soft plastics and twitch baits have been the lures of choice. As it gets cooler focusing on the deeper holes in the creeks will be a smart choice but don't forget to fish the points where there is a steep drop off as well. If I can help you please give me a call (252) 333-9332.

Ben Ricks

Ricks Brothers Outdoors


Dwayne Bevell